New Start Medical Virtual Educational Program (VEP)


  1. Nutrition beyond the basics: Protein and fats – effects macronutrients have on appetite

  2. Thought model for weight management, a CBT approach to a healthier living

  3. Metabolic adaptation: Why it is difficult to lose weight and even harder to maintain it


  1. Nutrition beyond the basics: Carbohydrates and the effects macronutrients have on our mood and energy level

  2. Identify limiting beliefs and habits that hold us back

  3. Exercise: Creating a sustainable routine

  4. Anti-obesity medications: Powerful tools for appetite control and to offset metabolic adaptation


  1. Nutrition beyond the basics: Weight loss vs weight maintenance strategies

  2. Honoring your wins: Stop disqualifying your positives. Identifying and naming your emotions

  3. Exercise goals to match your weight management goals

  4. Appetite regulation: What are the components involved?


  1. Nutrition beyond the basics: Processed foods and useful tools for the whole family

  2. Setting goals and managing our expectations

  3. Exercise for cardiovascular health, fitness, and stress management

  4. Cardiometabolic health: How to restore your metabolism after weight loss


  1. Nutrition beyond the basics: Smart shopping and finding useful recipes

  2. Priorities, goals, and matching your goals to your current circumstances

  3. Exercise: How to use exercise in your favor

  4. Management of eating disorders and intuitive eating


  1. Nutrition beyond the basics: Getting ready for the holiday season

  2. Creating a better life for balance: Time management and setting boundaries

  3. Exercise to improve body composition and offset the effects aging has on your body

  4. Body image: Finding your way to body acceptance 


  1. Nutrition beyond the basics: Sharing recipes, tips for better family interactions, and more

  2. How to better manage your stress eating; finding smart comfort foods

  3. Exercise for weight maintenance. Tracking as a tool in your toolbox and not a chore

  4. Strategies for better sleep management


  1. Nutrition beyond the basics: Reviewing the year and the progress you have made

  2. Making friends with frustration: A better way to manage plateaus

  3. Exercise: A powerful tool in your toolbox

  4. Anti-obesity medications: New medications on the horizon